Circleville Council on Planning, Development Funds, Homeless

Tuesday evening, Circleville Council established more planning power, and directions for development funds.

Outgoing Long Range Strategic Planning chair Tom Spring saw council create the new Board of Zoning Appeals. He said was encouraged after the three-year arduous journey to establish it.

It creates a separate board form Planning and Zoning, who sometimes heard appeals to their own decisions. Spring said training is also included, and this should allow the Board of Planning and Zoning to actually plan now.

But Mayor Don McIlroy has opposed it, and chose not to sign the legislation. He said he is legally required to give a written explanation why, which is that he is opposed to creating more government.

Spring said it was reviewed by several committees before and after being revised, and council would be willing to override a veto.

Council also passed legislation to populate and guide the boards of five development districts in the downtown that will profit from future increases in their own tax revenue.


Mayor Don McIlroy also said he is continuing dialog on helping the city's homeless. The second, smaller meeting on the topic was Monday and he said they came up with short- and long-tern programs.

The First Church on Ohio Street will open when the weather is cold so homeless can stay warm there.

McIlroy said if you want to learn more or to help, contact the Mayor's office or the Scioto Post, and more will be published as they continue to meet.


Council passed their $22.8 million budget for 2020. But after getting final numbers in January or February, they will follow standard procedure to make cuts.

Finance chair Barry Keller also saw three ordinances passed, directing new funds from the Safety Forces income tax levy passed by voters in November.

Council also passed a resolution honoring retiring Judge Gary Dumm for his 12 years on the Municipal Court.


Kevin Coleman regularly reports on Chillicothe & Circleville councils and local culture

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